Field Trips
Vickery Creek Trail at Roswell Mill
Friday, November 1, 2024
A covered bridge. Civil war mill ruins. A towering waterfall that pours from a historic spillway dam. There’s just a lot to love about the Vickery Creek Trail at Roswell Mill. It’s scenic, shady, and makes a great in-town walk along this waterfall spillway of the Chattahoochee River. On the banks of Vickery Creek, ruins of the Roswell Manufacturing Company Mills can be found. Our Garden Club walk is on the upper paved walk ways where we will view the Roswell Mill ruins and read about the workings of the mill.
Website: exploregeorgia.org/roswell/history-heritage/civil-war/roswell-mill-ruins-in-old-mill-park
Smith-Gilbert Gardens
Friday, April 25, 2025
With a variety of plantings, the Hiram Butler Home (ca. 1880) and 31 sculptures, Smith-Gilbert Gardens has something for everyone. At the center of the gardens is the historic Hiram Butler House, dating back over 150 years. Smith-Gilbert Gardens is 17 acres of serene setting with thousands of plants, several rare in American gardens. United by woodland paths, the Gardens consist of separate groupings with individual elements of fascination. These include the Bonsai Exhibit, Palladino Camellia Garden, tea house and waterfall area, Rose Garden, and Conifer Display.
Website: smithgilbertgardens.com/at-the-gardens/exhibits/
Pine Forest Gardens Hosta Farm
Friday, June 6, 2025
The Pine Forest Gardens Hosta Farm is located about an hour south of Dunwoody. The 6 ½ acre farm grows an amazing variety of hostas in every size, shape and color. Come enjoy walking through the hundreds of hostas ranging in size from miniature, dwarf, small, medium, large and giant. Hosta colors range from green, blue, gold or yellow and many types of variegation of each color.
Website: Pineforestgardens.com